Hi folks, Thank you for your time and patience.
Can anybody help us to find an alternative for "pcs property set" when using the old pcs and the new corosync and pacemaker packages as is written in subject?
Unfortunately I don't see on Jenkins an updated version for pcs for RHEL 7.7/7.9 just for RHEL 8.
We are in the middle of a high pressure because some problems with RHEL HA Cluster/Corosync+Pacemaker/DRBD and we arrived at the point that we upgraded corosync and pacemaker but then our setup gives errors with the command "pcs property set no-quorum-policy=stop".
The error is: No such file or directory', 'command': '/usr/libexec/pacemaker/pengine metadata'
Indeed /usr/libexec/pacemaker/pengine does not exists, I assume it is OK, because in the new pacemaker 3.1 the internal structure was changed..
However, can you give me an alternative to set that property in this combination of software?
Thank you!
_______________________________________________________ Szabolcs-Gavril Rugina Development Information Technologies 1 / Software Engineer FREQUENTIS ROMÂNIA SRL
Str. Taietura Turcului, Nr. 47, 400221, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Phone +43-1-81150-7511 Mobile +40-771-483274 Web http://www.frequentis.ro E-Mail szabolcs.rugina@frequentis.commailto:szabolcs.rugina@frequentis.com
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