Branch: refs/heads/covscan3
Commit: fc1356e893dfa78212e740ef888a87d0e9863f3d…
Author: Christine Caulfield <ccaulfie(a)>
Date: 2019-05-24 (Fri, 24 May 2019)
Changed paths:
M libknet/common.c
M libknet/compress.c
M libknet/compress_zstd.c
M libknet/crypto.c
M libknet/crypto_nss.c
M libknet/handle.c
M libknet/threads_pmtud.c
M libknet/threads_rx.c
M libknet/threads_tx.c
M libknet/transport_common.c
M libknet/transport_sctp.c
M libknet/transport_udp.c
Log Message:
misc: Fix more covscan warnings
The only serious bug here is in transport_udp.c
(see bottom of patch), the rest are mostly detail.
covscan still reports a lot of errors against doxyxml, most of
which are because it doesn't understand the libqb hashtables.