0/43 Non-voting fails
2/44 Voting fails: rhel88z-power9-ppc64le(buildrpms source download)
fedora-rawhide-x86-64(buildrpms source download)
Run reason: Push event to branch main
Total runtime: 12 hr
Coverity results:
Split logs:
Full log:
Please report the following errors to your friendly local Jenkins admin (though they have
probably already seen them and are already panicking).
Exception caught on rhel88z-power9-ppc64le during buildrpms:
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.support.steps.AgentOfflineException: Unable to create live
FilePath for rhel88z-power9-ppc64le
Exception caught on fedora-rawhide-x86-64 during buildrpms:
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.support.steps.AgentOfflineException: Unable to create live
FilePath for fedora-rawhide-x86-64
Exception caught on fedora38-power9-ppc64le during buildrpms:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't send a remote FilePath to a different remote
channel (current=hudson.remoting.Channel@35e95ca8:fedora38-power9-ppc64le,